For VA Providers
Community Care Provider of Home Sleep Tests
- Services veterans anywhere in the county
- Setup to receive orders via HSRM or fax
- Contracted with TriWest and Optum
- SAM Vendor
Ordering process
VA Provider creates referral for service through Community Care
- Service type is Home Sleep Test
- Specify provider as Millennium Sleep Lab in service description
Community Care department can create referral in HSRM
- Select Millennium Sleep Lab as provider (NPI 1316226897)
- Assign to TriWest or Optum
If not using HSRM, edit the order to go to TriWest to include note to “Refer to Millennium Sleep Lab national vendor”
Testing Process
- If referrals sent via HSRM, MSL accepts and updates online
- If orders are manually sent to TriWest, they fax and call MSL with authorization and dates
- MSL calls patient to schedule or confirm dates, ships equipment, and trains the patient
- MSL’s RPSGT scores the data and sleep specialist interprets
- If patient refuses test or is unreachable, MSL will update in HSRM and notify Community Care department of VA by fax
Signed interpretation with impressions and Dx faxed to Community Care department and uploaded to HSRM